Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Finding New Roads*

That's what we headed off to do today straight after Church. Well, actually, we first drove on familiar old roads that we haven't been on for AGES... heading for Sharjah. No GPS or maps; just relying on memory on how to get to places and instincts and the occasional road sign. We passed their much improved Fish Market, drove along the scenic coast road into Ajman (can't believe how much development is going on - some places are unrecognisable!) and then drove towards Dhaid to do a circuit route past Fossil Rock.

We weren't long on the road before we saw a sign that was a bit of a shortcut - and this is it! New road! Hardly any cars on them, in fact, one of them had a herd of camels wandering on it. Stopped at a roadside café for lunch and then - as one cannot have a birthday without cake - called in at Panini!

The rest of the day wasn't quite as exciting - apart from a roast chicken dinner! And now I must get to bed as I am falling asleep yet again over my keyboard. :(

* Find New Roads is GM Arabia's current strapline.

PS. I should credit G with taking this pic. She took all the pics today as I did all the driving.

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