
By elsie

One of those days

Yes. Another one.

Never mind, we actually got ourselves together and set off on the road trip to Buxton (in the dark and the rain) to see monster grandad and co for the winter celebration and light parade...only to have a tyre go 'pop' en route as I clipped a kerb, swerving to avoid someone crashing in to us!

Thank goodness for lovely RAC man who came to the rescue. I hate being one of those women who "can't/won't change a tyre". Truth is I know how, and I could but at 5 months pregnant when alone with the kids in the dark and a boot full of stuff! Relieved it happened where it did and we were able to find a safe place to wait and not on the motorway.

Needless to say we didn't make it to Buxton and the kids were disappointed to miss it so I've not heard the end of it all the way home, despite my best attempts to cheer them with a Christmas song along and countless games of I spy.

The husband greeted me with these lovely flowers when I returned home. Its not all bad :)

Oh and Dylan gets to be angel Gabriel in his nativity. By all accounts it involves jumping and speaking and giving presents to baby Jesus while singing a song about buttons. Good luck with that!

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