twinned with trumpton


I assume the lighting in the gents at the Botanic gardens is somehow tied into the Night in the Gardens thing...?

Before dawn - was erm - fun.

At midnight, I was awaken by older son being sick on the bathroom floor. So by the time I'd settled him back and cleaned up, I was ready for the 0410 am yelp from him. Thankfully it was just in his sleep.

5am saw the younger one need me to help him to bathroom.

And by 6 they were both up.

After school, I had check up at the dentist; then picked her up, shopping, and then to the park for half an hour / Cigs tags.

School pick up / fiery lunch, then back out for Botanics for an hour or so; older one then complains of sore tummy again....

Dropped G and home for sofa / movie and quiet early night for them.

Still reeling from family shit, mind....

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