Rise and Shine

Great day in Edinburgh this morning. A frosty clear walk up the hill, met some dogs and owners for some chat and play. The air was so crisp, great.

Pleasant walk into work listening to Women's hour podcast, this Itouch is great.

Work was good. Made better with a lunch play and pie with Just Sitting, what a great way to break the day. Made contact with other Blippers for next week's play.

Ran along the canal to get to football training tonight bumped into Just Sitting's mum and children. Recognised them and stopped to have a chat.

Training was ok, still concerned that the girls are not listening and taking the coaching seriously. We had planned training tonight for the Sunday game and some could have trained better.

The frogs have returned to the pond at the weekend, wonder when the first spawn will appear. We have some floating clay frogs that have been used for practicing courting, very amusing.

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