Keeping warm

I've had a loooooooong day without my boy; he's in London until tomorrow, so I've had to keep myself amused without him.

This morning I went Christmas shopping and I've now got everyone's presents except my Step mums (it's her birthday next week and that was hard enough to buy for!), I just need to wrap them now.

This afternoon I had a couple of hours with my Dad and Step mum; I needed to drop her card and presents off. Dad had made me a 'Christmas curry' but we both knew it wouldn't last until Christmas....I enjoyed it for my tea tonight!

From there I visited my sister and Theo. It was there that I saw the cat.

My sister had also been out Christmas shopping today & the car was still warm. Kitty was warming her bum on the bonnet!
She certainly wasn't a scaredy cat, hence the staring out I got as I approached the car.

Tonight I'm trying to keep myself warm and having a 'Walking Dead' catch up.

Hopefully Mr A will get an early start tomorrow and get home soon....I miss him when he's not here :-(

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