Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Winter Wonderland

Will had a good violin lesson this morning, then promptly fell flat on his face on the way to the car resulting in both coat and trousers needing washing.

It was Winter Wonderland at school so it was a quick change for W and we headed up to school. First stop was the face painting stall. Carys's teacher was one of the people manning that stall but to Carys's delight it was the teacher's daughter M who painted her face. M and our old childminders daughter C are very good friends and Carys adores them both. However C learnt during the week that M has just got pointe shoes so the hero worship has ramped up a notch or two, so much so Carys could barely speak to M!

N&P arrived, we spent more money, the kids disappeared into the secret present room and I gained an extra child for a while until they all disappeared onto the Santa express and came back twenty minutes later with books as presents.

N&P took my children home while I did my stint on the sweet stall before heading home too. Last thing I heard was that we had raised £4000! Flipping brilliant.

Carys spent the afternoon at Nanna's. W and I walked to the library and pottered in town. We were planning a bear hunt tomorrow but the weather forecast is awful so it maybe postponed for a fortnight.

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