and through the wire...

By hesscat

A Dry Run

If you've been following this journal you may have seen the odd blip of Ms H playing guitar and singing. Gradually her live audience has been growing, although so far it's been restricted to close family and friends.

She's expressed a wish to perform to bigger audiences so I've been testing the water to see if she really means it as I want to avoid her backing out at the last moment and affecting her confidence. But she's agreed twice that she'd like to play at an upcoming event in the village hall, so I suggested she try out a mic, speakers, the hall, and with a few less-familiar people in the vicinity.

So that was tonight, she had a pal join her for support, but she got through it with no-mishaps and seemed to reallly enjoy it. I can't imagine what must go through her head before doing this - it is probably not something I would do, apart from the fact I can't sing!

Fingers crossed this helps prepare her for when the might do it for real!

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