
By Instography


A fine breakfast and then off for a wander. You've got to be quick. Too much phaffing in the morning and before you know it it's 11am and there's only about four hours of daylight left. So we headed out on the path the Boat of Garten although opted for the riverside walk, which unlike the river, just stops leaving you halfway along a golf course. So we just had to cut across the golf course, double back a bit and find a way over the fence and onto a proper path. By that point it was only worth heading back to Aviemore so we mooched around the shop, Ewan hunting for a hat like his pal's without knowing the shop it was bought or its brand. Still, he got something he was happy with. So happy he wanted to wear it to bed. Err, naw.

Home for a wee snooze before heading to the Old Bridge Inn for a very decent tea.

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