Twiggy Pop

We have a picture of Twiggy in our living room, classis 60's mono stuff. For ages I had meant to try to take something similar. Today Pops agreed to it.

H swung into action with some makeup and soon we had our very own 60s girl. I could not get the lighting right, I need something more directional, but I can revisit that. I did consider spending a load of time dodging and burning but decided against it, so here you have it. Apart from a crop a mono conversion and some light softening this is more or less SOOC (so I suppose not SOOC at all ;)).

There are a few alternatives here

Thanks so much for all comments yesterday, H ended up in the Spotlight which I think was massively deserved (for her not my picture). So thank you, it is really appreciated, that goes for all you lovely facebook people as well.


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