This Side Of Paradise

By kateleeharvey

Hard Day

Thursday is music tot's day. Which basicly means you all gather in a room with lots of other mummies and daddies who all look as knackered as me, i am pleased to have noticed, and sing songs with the babies and toddlers.

Babies get given torture devises (instruments) which they bang, clang, bash and jingle to their hearts content while we look down on them with smilling faces telling them well done. But we really want to scream.... just stop the noise!! Mummies and Daddies get coffee and have a chat. It really helps get you out of the house and its good for the kids and adults alike.

So, after this we went home via shops and I made Harvey's lunch. By this time however it was all too much and we didnt want to eat we just needed mummy cuddles and sleep. Harvey is now crashed out upstairs in his cot zzzz zzzz zzz

What a hard day he has had !

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