Nesssaintee's World

By nesssaintee

Spotty Sun Day

Better focus on this than yesterday, had loads more time today, so thought I'd try using filters that I can fit to the camera tee adaptor to see if I could draw more detail out
Took loads of shots, even tried using a 3* Barlow lens, with a light pollution filter ( that was an accident, I've been wondering for a while what I did with that, left it somewhere sensible as usual, not)
As with trying moon shots with it, very difficult to get a sharp clear shot, there is one I am happy ish with after a wee sharpen on Photoshop of sunspot region 2209.
More info on sunspots and space weather can be found onSolarHam
I like this one best, using an orange filter, showing sunspot regions 2209 on the right 2216 on the left and 2217 just appearing on the disk
I've posted some of the other pics on my twitter and faceache
Hope you've all had a good day

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