
By Dollykgray

Blip your dinner...

I read here once that if you haven´t got a blip then blip your dinner. I am not very good at photographing food so I thought this might be a good challenge. We had some good friends over for lunch today and this is the dessert. It is a mini poppy seed cheesecake from an Austrian recipe which I have adapted and perfected over the last year or so. Most recipes here use ground poppy seeds. This year I bought a poppy seed mill which looks like an old hand mincer but smaller. (ooh, future blip?) Freshly ground poppy seeds are so much tastier than the commercially available. The cheese used is Topfen which is translated as cottage cheese but in reality is more like a cross between cream cheese and cottage cheese. The recipe uses 20% fat Topfen but the last time I made the cheesecakes I accidentally bought the 0.20% fat which was on special. I try to use low fat dairy products but they don´t always work in baking so I was delighted when the low fat Topfen worked out better than the normal. I added the heart made from Powidl which is a particular type of plum jam often used in cakes and desserts. A few other small adjustments and I have a dessert / cake which I can (almost) call my own.

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