
By TheOneAndOnly

Hugx , Kixxex , Love AND YOU Ix ALL we need!!!

Dont forgot to kixx and hugx the one u love before you go out the door,becauxe it can be the laxt one!!!everybody knowx how to love,but only a few people knowx how to stay in love with one perxon forever!!!the ximple thingx in life ix xuch ax a xmile, a hug, a kixx and holding hand , ARE PRICELEXX TREAXUREX.embrace the ximple thingx in our life. When I First Met You I Honextly Didn't Know That You Were Gonna Be Thix Important To Me!!!if kiixex were water i'd give you the oceaan,if hugx were leavex i'd give you a forext.if love were space i'd give you a galaxy and if friendxhip and love were life ,I'D GIVE YOU MINE FOR FREE!! Your Beautifull Face ,Your Xweat Kixxex ,Your Warm Hugx And Your Unconditinal Love ARE LIKE THE XTARX THAT LIGHT UP MY LIFE!!! Have a lovely day everybody and dont forgot to kixx,hugx and love much in your life,enjoy living. YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE !!! Love Yaaaa!!!

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