Just trying to survive

By NovaLovesFrogs

My Three Boys


This is gonna be my blip for the day. If any other photos taken are something I want to post, I'll host them elsewhere and edit them into this description.

I'm picking this picture of my boys resting on the bed in the hotel room because it's FINALLY a picture that shows how big Nova is compared to BOTH Cosmo and Tuxie. Cosmo looks a little bigger than Tuxie, but that's because he has thicker fur, and Tuxie currently only has an undercoat on most of his body due to possible thyroid problems. (Or simply balding due to the fact that he's fifteen years old, we'll find out from the vets later on.)

Cosmo and Tuxie are your pretty average-sized cats. They're almost the same exact size, even though Tuxie is a pound heavier than Cosmo is. (This is because Tuxie is very muscular, Cosmo isn't. Muscle adds weight, despite what many dieters seem to believe. Muscle weighs more than fat or simply lack of muscle.)

See how big Nova is? :D

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