
By WeeDragon_J

One of Five

Burning hot off the press is this paper: The National, which is the first of five pilots to see if it's worth continuing as a daily rag costing 50p (10 x 5p) :-)

Coming from The Herald's stable, with The Herald being NO and The Sunday Herald being YES. The National is declaring itself as:

"A New Newspaper for a New Scotland" The New Scotland now? Or of the future Devowhatdoyacallitwheneverthatgoesthru Scotland? And then it also states: "The Newspaper that Supports an Independent Scotland"? Mmm... We'll see if it can sustain itself in that format both in print and online!

Hopefully, ha ha, it will print the truths from both sides, no matter how awkward it is for Holyrood and Westminster? Don't want it to be a paper that is a pretendy-rag to pacify the Movement for Change, and regardless of whichever way people voted, changes are required in Scotland, independent or not.

"Feet to the Fire!" for all politicians, councillors and now journalists ;-)

Please note that no newspapers were injured or set fire to for this Blip ;-)

Thanks to Skeena for MM Challenge.

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