
By britni

well what do you know..

for those of you who have been wondering about my recent, unannounced, and rather lengthy absence, here's the story:

i went on a trip to ohio to visit some old friends two weekends ago. while i was there, i thought i'd keep up with blip and post my pictures using my friends' computer. unfortunately, i left my camera cable (you know, the one that hooks your computer to your camera) plugged into their computer when i left..

.. so i've been taking my pictures every day. it's been difficult, with only a 1GB xd card to store my week's worth of pictures.

and then this past weekend, danny came to help me fix my computer because the cd drive stopped working. i was having trouble taking the cd drive out (apparently i was turning the screws the wrong way, hehe). it was then that danny pointed out that i have a built-in card reader on the side of my computer. well. how convenient.

all of my blips are now posted, thanks to danny and his incredible attention to detail. not all of them are good, but here are the highlights..

a trip to my childhood playground
my home, sweet home
something to consider
blazar in action

i think i'm all caught up now (comments and all). thanks for the patience!

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