Long shadows...
..they came out to play again today and this time I didn't miss them! However the camera battery dies so had to use phone back up, never mind.
My sis arrived this evening and took us out to dinner, then we just had a good old chat. We laughed at a 1975 Jackie magazine that I'd bought for her at a car boot sale that morning for 20p. It had David Essex on the cover...hands up who recalls this era?? I hasten to add I was too young for Jackie in 1975!
We got up horrifically, anti-socially early, for a Sunday morning, in order to try and sell some crap from the house. It was bloody freezing, we even had to scrape the windscreen. Eventually when we could no longer feel that we could no longer feel our toes, we packed up and came home. I've done a few car boot sales over the years and always done rather well, clear the house of extra stuff and make some beer money...there was no beer tonight. I think maybe it was just too cold for folk to come out.
Well..365 blipday tomorrow (although I'm back blipping this, so in fact today - NOW and I have NO inspiration!)
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