
By Instography

Twice failed

It may be that I'm unusually ham-fisted and crush the little buttons like a big Lemmy with a little mouse but it seems reasonable to think that the on/off switch of a bike light shouldn't be broken by pressing with a gloved hand. To their credit the bike shop replaced the first without question and was happy to provide an alternative even when the man in the shop got it working again by pressing it hard with the lid of a ballpoint pen. He did accept that even though it was effective, it wasn't a reasonable method of turning a light on or off.

As luck would have it I hadn't been all that satisfied with the light. It was fine for seeing the pitch black paths but didn't spread light so it was like riding into a tunnel of light. This is somewhat brighter (1200 lumens versus the previous 100) so runs on quarter power most of the time, even on unlit paths and gets covered for approaching traffic. But it is very good when a big pool of light is needed.

Apart from that, all I need to do is get my head around my willingness to get a train back to Dunfermline to cycle 17 miles yet can't face cycling the same distance back from the office.

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