Mummy on a Mission

By ECameron12309

Jack Frost

Gosh its been a long day.

Hard day at work, made all the more easier with some amazingly inspirational children. The piles on my desk never shrink. I suppose they are like haemorrhoids (thankfully Ive never been afflicted!) they sprout under stress, or if they are left too long, can be shrunk with the the treatment (time and no interruptions in my case) but can rear their ugly heads again if left.

It was the annual Multi Club Battle night at camera club tonight. None clubs with 10 digital images each, battling it out for the"Shield". Our club sadly didn't win again, but one of my images scored really well, so I was very pleased and surprised. Although I did think the judges scores were inconsistent, but hey I'm no expert and he most certainly was.

Took todays Blip first thing this morning. This is the frost on the top of one of the cars this morning, using the macro. Would love to have spent longer outside but it was quite cold in my flip flops and PJ's!


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