Morning sky

... stunning and strange swirly sky this morning.

Driving back to the office this afternoon I heard part of a programme about William Souter, the 'Still Life Poet', and include one of his poems here. It reminded me of the relentless round, unremitting grief and Wordsworth's 'A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal .... 'Rolled round in earth's diurnal course/With rocks, and stones, and trees.'

' . I loved the bit in the programme which talked about it being easier 'to give God advice than Hugh MacDiarmid'! ... which made me smile ... one of the lighter points of the day.

Autobiography - William Soutar

Out of the darkness of the womb
Into a bed, into a room:
Out of a garden into a town,
And to a country, up and down
The earth; the touch of women and men
And back into a garden again:
Into a garden; into a room;
Into a bed and into a tomb;
And the darkness of the world's womb.

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