Another wet walk in the park

This was a more purposeful walk in the rain - we were treating ourselves to breakfast, again, at Weatherspoon's on the pretext of collecting a pair of trousers from M and S for me. This time we were canny, ordering the porridge before the main course so that both did not come together as they did the previous occassion. The first part of the plan worked well. The plan fell apart with the main course which arrived without bacon (mine) and without tomato (Susan) and when started it was not warm at all. So new breakfasts had to be ordered.

A wet walk home and a very wet afternoon. Spent some of the time booking the accommodation for Doreen's 90th birthday celebrations next year. We're taking her to a Warner's Hotel near Chester. But it took a while to sort out the rooms and prices. I did the shopping on line then watched a recording of England v Samoa and Scotland and Tonga, completely forgetting to FaceTime Chris in San Diego. Mind you he was trekking up a mountain at the time, but he did send photos of the walk. Nice weather there, but cool he says.

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