
By fiend

I didn't really take any pictures today so this is a bit of an emergency blip taken on a service station forecourt as I wanted to have a blip to remember the day.
I went down to FOCUS in Birmingham with my mum as there were a few things I wanted to check out and a camera bag to buy. I bought a wheelie one as I've managed to hurt my back from years of carrying heavy camera bags on my shoulder so now I'm going to trundle round weddings with a nifty case on wheels and I can take as much gear as I like without worrying about my pesky back.

It was a fascinating place and I'd love to have spent the entire day there soaking up the atmosphere, listening to the tutorials and people watching (especially people watching) but as I was with my mum (thanks, Mum for the company!) we didn't linger really but I'll go for the entire day next year.

I went to meet a lovely couple for a consultation when I got back and they ended up booking me that evening so all in all it was a successful day.

Still no news on the flat.

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