Crappy photo, I know but I had to have some kind of record of such an excellent night and I didn't bother taking my camera (still kicking myself).
S took us to see Stephen Lynch at the Lowry and I had no idea what to expect as I'd never heard of him and forgot to google him before we left.

The audience adored him with most of them knowing the words and singing along. I laughed until my face ached and then laughed some more.
There are quite a few clips on youtube to choose from but he's so much better in the flesh. He really worked the crowd and his heckling put downs were seriously smart.

This is one of the songs which sent the audience wild with enthusiasm (it's not that PC so don't watch if you're easily offended but it's fairly tame in comparison to a lot of the other songs)

Oh yeah, I found out this morning that the flat is mine :)))) I've only had to wait on tenter hooks for 3 weeks but now I know for sure and I move in on April 1st.

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