One man went to mow a meadow..

... about five years ago after a dry Summer for the first time in living memory, there was hay to cut and so off he went. His mower ended up in a hole in the ground - a hole four metres deep.
He had broken through to a Souterrain - an Iron Age underground passage that no-one really seems to know the point of. The field was owned by some friends from the north of North Uist and today we had lunch with them and visited the Souterrain. This involved getting the 15 foot ladder out of the garage and removing the padlock and covering from the hole - quite an expedition in itself. At the bottom of the ladder you arrive in a circular chamber about 3 metres in diameter with a passage leading off into the distance. The image shows this passage. A better idea can be gained from a 3D model made when it was found.
Having built a few stone walls here myself the quality of the stonework and the stone is remarkable. Amazing to think that for 2o00 years this passage and chamber had lain there unknown until the mower fell into it.

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