By jenaral


I'm embarrassed I even took this picture, but I know someone very close to me that would get a kick out of this. This is my toothpaste. I am guilty of having a messy toothpaste tube, but this one has gone too far. You may not be able to tell from the picture, but you can no longer squeeze the toothpaste tube and receive toothpaste where it suppose to come out because there is a slash on the side. I don't know how the slash got there, but it has been causing many problems in the bathroom. You see, I forget that the slash is there and then I squeeze expecting it to come out of the top and instead it explodes all over the sink. I'm trying to get the most of the toothpaste tube because I'm on a budget over here! But- the person I posted this for- will defiantly tell me to go get myself a new tube. This would just drive him crazy- but for me, not such a big deal, maybe a little embarrassing, but not such a big deal :) The only problem here is keeping my sink clean.

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