
By hallucination30

Kiddie corner

Another photo less day despite there being lots of things that could've been photographed, I'm not quite used to blipping yet!
A day of toddler group and realising what a small world it is when you bump into the brother of a guy you spent a lot of time in India with 10 years ago. Only met the brother once in June 2004 I realise! Was nice to chat to him, introduce our children and plan to see each other at toddler group again. Good to feel like there was a familiar face down here even though I guess he's not!
Had my mate Natalie over for the afternoon and evening which was so good, we chat about everything whilst eating ice cream with reeses chocolate sauce.
Luce seemed fine this morning but by this afternoon she wasn't well again, maybe I fed her too much too soon? Rubbish!

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