The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline

Hard as Rock!

Steve has been travelling a lot recently on business and yesterday took him to Florence, Italy where he picked me up this fab T- shirt. I have a thing for hard rock shirts because they are much easier to pack and store than the glasses you get with cocktails so it has become a habit of mine to always pick one up when we go somewhere. I don't mind that I haven't been to Florence as Steve enjoyed it there so it is highly likely we will go together one day for a nice weekend away.

Today I started my new treatment for psoriasis - it's taken by injection which I have been having wee freak outs about however the nurse came round and showed me what to do and then I tried myself and it is pretty straight forward. Here is to improvements in my skin and crooked finger now.

The invite samples arrived today for the wedding and they look pretty nice. We have two colours and although one colour matches the one of the dresses for the bridesmaid the other one isn't quite there - need to find out if there is an option to source my own ribbon......

Nothing else of note happened today although I finally cleared out some if the dining room to clear the way for the decorator to paint in there on Thursday/ Friday this week as plans are finally under way to get that room done (nothing to do with hosting Christmas for the first time ever here!!!! - secretly it is good to have a deadline - I do work much better that way.)

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