beauty of the nature

By Hadi

Are you from TV?

- hi, is there any old house around here?
- i don't know, ask Shirali!
- who's Shirali?
- The old man over there!
- hi, are you Shirali?
- yes son, i am!
- is there any old house around here?
- no, most of old houses have been destroyed and replaced with new houses already!
- [shit, wasted my time! let's photograph him instead!] can i photograph you?
- Are you from TV?
- no i'm a photographer!
- you are not from TV?
- no, i'm photographing for my site!
- what is site?
- it's something like TV, just smaller! now can i photograph you?
- so when will they come?
- who?
- men from TV!

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