Carrying the fire

I'm a massive fan of the space program and grew up during the Apollo moon landings. When you are 5 and your parents sit you in front of the TV and say look there is a man on the moon ! You think nothing of it as you never knew a time when there was not a man on the moon. The older I get and the more I read about the Mercury-Gemini- Apollo times the more impressed I am with the technological achievement and the men who did it. Michael Collins' book is fantastic and I'm only up to Gemini, Looking forward to the rest.

Should have been watching Ray gelato and Claire Martin at the Pheasntry tonight but they (peasantry- not Ray or Claire) phoned up at 5:30 to say there was a power cut affecting half the Kings road so they had to cancel the gig. Bit gutted as have been looking forward to it for a while. So went out in Twickenham instead with SR, B & J and had a great time.

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