New 3rd ager

By 1pTrader

The Bridge Climb

This morning was the coffee cruise , a 2 hour tour around Sydney Harbour -needless to say loads of facts and figures as well as great views. Then a quick dash to The Bridge for the 3 hour climb to the top. Firstly of course we were kitted out in regulation boiler suits (grey to blend into the bridge with blue arms to blend in with the sky. No camera were permitted though. The clime stared with a dummy run of vertical ladders with narrow rungs just to test if we had it in us , then it was out on the bridge .The first part was steep and a series of vertical ladders, and very narrow plank paths , on occasions keeping the head down as well as stepping over joists. We were tethered, but it wasnt hard to work out that all that ensured was we would end up in a crumpled heap at the bottom of the ladder shoukd we put a foot wrong ! 134 metres above the water later we were at the apex looking down on Sydney with helicopters passing just over us -brilliant ! They have already started to build the new years eve firework display on the bridge so will watch that and think "I was there!"

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