Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Striking carriage clock

This clock is now in a lot of little bits. Behind the dial are all the levers that enable it to strike the hours and half hours and repeat the hours with a press of a button on the top of the case (best go large.) I used to draw diagrams as an aide memoire when assembling complicated clocks but it is much easier now with camera phones. It is always reassuring to be able to fall back on on a photo if I have an assembly senior moment. All the parts are engineered to very fine tolerances which must be respected otherwise the clock will not strike properly. The same goes for assembly especially getting the correct tension on the tiny lever springs. It is amazing how such clocks, now over 100 years old, could be engineered so precisely without modern technology. Earlier still and all the parts would have been hand made. Amazing!

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