A Shot A Day

Shot in 'Miniature mode' which is also why the colours are especially bright.

Drove to work, worked, drove back home ... how routine can you make it?

Deliberately left my cam at home, something I very rarely do.

Some evening music ... :)

Doing some post-Marquez online research and reading tonight.

It's not the first time I've read the complete works of a writer. About 44 years ago, I read Alcott, followed shortly after by Dickens. I tried to do the same with Thomas Hardy but then got sidetracked by Hugo (translated into English). In 1980 I finished Tolkien and this century the HP series. All the time in between was, in a certain sense, either wasted or spent on surviving, up to the time I got married, after which all my energy went into integrating into Dutch society. Now that most aspects of our lives have settled down and I have time again, there's room again for the books.

The next writer? None other than Vladimir Nabokov. But before I really get started on him, I'd like first to finish Reading Lolita in Tehran by Nabokov expert Azar Nafisi from, of all places ... Iran! It is not just about Nabokov and his Lolita but also about teaching, which might be relevant for me.

Dinner is done. Time for tea!

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