Mandy's photo journal

By MandyO

The wonder of walking.

It's been nearly a year since I suffered a disc prolapse and have had a pretty rocky road since then. The pain and immobility have been life changing, challenging my own identity and affecting most aspects and aspirations of my life. It's been a mental challenge as well as a physical one, and I've had many ups and downs. I know that I am more fortunate than many, but sometimes it can be hard to look outward at the suffering of others and not dwell on your own struggles. I have had surgery to fix the problem and have been convalescing for weeks. Yesterday I felt rubbish. The drugs I've been on have made their own contribution to my struggles and my determination to be drug free has had its price.
Today I struggled to get out of bed. But it wasn't raining. So Jim and I went for a walk around Dinton Pastures - we haven't been there for ages. It was grey and cold but it was marvelous! Jim went mad running, sniffing and peeing. He was so happy, and I realised that I was able to walk at a good pace, a reasonable distance upright and pain free.
Life is good!

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