Woof Wednesday

Eyes and ears and paws,
Relaxed and comfortable,
Fire on, curtains closed.

Been an indoorsy sort of day thanks to rain and fog again. I've barely had an hour when I haven't needed to put the 'big light' on!

Stella has been more settled though which has been lovely.

And, considering I managed to fall over in the kitchen doorway last night ( I still don't know how I only managed to spill down myself and not all over the floor!) I have had quite a productive day too.

The only thing I really couldn't face on my to-do list was investigate the current hoo-ha with Flickr selling people's images. I think I need much more sleep and many hours to get to grips with what it is and what to do or not do about it. The only things I've uploaded there in the last week or so have been Instagrams though so I doubt there's been a rush to put those on canvas!

Stella and I have blogged about being safe while walkies are darker :)

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