Bits Bobs and Bats

By vix

Happy First Buffers Etta Lee!

Etta Lee Watson turned one today. What a year, what a crazy mental ride but we got here remarkably intact, if not a little frazzled around the edges.

Our family, house, money, time, relationships and mental stability has been pushed to the max. The only thing that kept us going, having done this before, is the knowledge that this intense baby time is over sooner than you know it and you won't be changing nappies, constantly sleep deprived and second guessing every cry for ever.

Its not all been bad of course, my heart bursts with pride every time I see Etta Lee and her sisters hanging out. I also get a daily surge of panic with the realisation that this is it, no going back now and that looking after three wee people for the rest of our lives is actually going to be a fuck load harder than just the two.

But Etta Lee is ace, she is fierce, bold, bright and beautiful. An amazing combination of her two sisters, she is another Watson female force to be reckoned with. We love her.

And for me personally, after a year of frustration and confusion, I am looking forward to getting to know myself again, as I am once more bowled over by how growing and producing another wee being totally knocks your sense of self off kilter for a good while. That doesn't seem to get any easier no matter how many kids you have.

From elated beginnings to a harsh bleak winter, onto a hopeful spring and bloody wonderful hot long summer and then welcome return to work till NOW. A whole massive yet fleeting year later, its been a roller coaster folks but we made it!

Happy Buffers Etta Lee ya wee radge!

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