Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

Pizza and beans

Not the most healthy of teas but if they are eating I don't care. Meal times are up and down of late with some going very badly and others not.
We've had a busy few days.
I've done some eBaying and posting
Visited Grandma and Auntie Grumpy pants (it was her birthday)
Lots of practising removing our socks and trousers I might stop dressing them in the morning it'll save in washing.
Then baby book club today my friend Abi sells books and has had funding from communities first to run a book club for little ones and we get a free book every week. I love the books Abi sells as they are not your usual book (but with 3 under 4 yrs I think she's crazy having her own business, as well as her hubby starting up his own business and running our local golf club)
Although the boys don't sit still when we are there I can normal get them to sit with me for a little while to do a song or a bit of a story.

I also think our toothy pegs are playing us up so fingers crossed for a few more teeth soon

Play group and song and rhyme tomorrow

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