New 3rd ager

By 1pTrader


Today we "did" the Blue Mountains, the sun came out and I can see why they deserve that name. We started off by taking the 90+minute walk down through the temperate rainforest towards the bottom of Jamison Valley. It is 800+ steps ,past waterfalls etc -but the best bit is not many tourists do the walk ,preferring to use the cable car to get down. They have built an elevated walkway that goes around one section of the mountain past the mines etc . Then it was jump into the cable car to go up to the top, once there a sky car (the highest in Australia) took us straight across the valley 270 metres below to another vantage point, on the way back I had to check the waterfalls and the mornings walking rout through the glass floor. D. chose to return to the lower level via the cable car to meet me, who wasn't going to miss out on going down the steepest passenger train in the world -based of course on the origional route that was used to bring the coal out. It was great- dropped the distance in 90 seconds including an 80 metre totally dark stretch through the mountain. The return ride is slower so we both managed that. The blip is taken from the sky car, but like all of them at the moment is only my phone camera.

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