twinned with trumpton


Restless sleep, worked from 7. Barely contained rage simmering quietly mixed with steely determination to do, no matter what.

Not helped by intermittent systems which interrupted any natural flow.

Long mid morning chat helped get some direction and perspective. Focus always helps.

Lunchtime I went out to seek Cigs in the gathering gloom; the hope was what by pounding fury through the pedals I might be soothed.


Afternoon followed in a similar vein to morning.

Then mad half hour of prep, and a calm descended as I started out on the Thursday round up.

Made a calculated attempt to switch off everything else bar them. Worked well, bar the 'Mummy says she can go if she wants, but won't - why?' question.

But a great evening; fed, wash, read, draughts, chat - hell, even homework was done in good spirits.

Dead to the world by 2130.

And breathe......

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