
By Mindseye

Can you see what I see? :-)

Of course you can......this is our view from our lovely "strictly" ballroom sized balcony!

Today has been beautifully sunny, lovely temperature.........quite a lazy one today, sun lounging, reading, lunch on the balcony. Then down to the pool for a cold beer, a swim, and a quiz or two, a cocktail guessing game (I won that, can't imagine why! ;-)
We also won a bottle of cava........

The cloud came in late afternoon; we decided to go back up to the apartment.....it got quite windy too! The light was really good as the bright sunlight had gone so I had a quick scout around for today's blip.

I opted for this shot,as I like the concentration of light and shadows, it also shows you our apartment and our balcony, and of course that view!

Thanks as always for your kind comments, sorry mine are somewhat scarce at the mo!

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