One-Eyed Jacks

Don't remember what horse Marlon Brando rode but our American Quarter Horse, Rosie, is a descendant of Two-Eyed Jack .

This poor quality photo of Angie's very sorry looking company car, is the result of my day's work. It was nearly 8:00pm before I managed to get it fit enough to push under cover for the night.

Angie had asked me to replace the main drive belt which was so frayed that she couldn't use it to try and collect up the mass of leaves in the garden. We have been toying with the idea of getting a new one for some time as it is barely able to still do it's job. Only 15 years old but a "cheap" Italian made mainly of plastic. To be fair we have misused it over the years especially before we got the mowing attachment for the tractor.

So today set about the task but quickly realised there was hardly any point. We then came to the conclusion it had to be replaced. However as the motor still runs well, will do it up as a trailer puller for all those tidy up jobs in the garden.

My daughter Kate was as a young child (about 6) quite nifty with the garden tractor we had back then in the UK. She was careful but did a good job. Then her younger brother, J, came on the scene and before he could walk he was careering around the gardening, with no respect for human or animal life.

Later in life, J joined the BLMRA and got heavily in to this motor sport. The home of the BLMRA was in the pub of the neighbouring village in West Sussex where we lived. Not sure if it was the racing or the beer that attracted him to it.

I remember going to the 24 Hour races back in the late 70's and watching teams put up by Oliver Reed, Derek Bell and even one consisting of Concorde pilots. Hammering over a bumpy field at night. In those days one could rub shoulders with the stars in the pit lane while they tried mending the lights and other bits that regularly fell off. The tents were swamped, not with high octane fuel but

J became sensible with age and wanted to avoid risk, taking up the other "Cricks" based past time, hot air ballooning and at 18 got his PPL in 12 weeks bringing him the British Ballooning Club's Rolex Trophy. Nowadays he has little time for these hobbies and tries to maintain his fitness riding over the Downs on a bike. Perhaps though when he and his nephew, Elliot, are over next year, he can give some lessons on cutting corners. Beer will only be served afterwards!

Kate has her own garden tractor now and doesn't let her brother near it when he comes to visit. When she was here in the summer we were talking about the cost of these "toys". She rightly had spent some time getting one that didn't allow you to mow at night, didn't have a USB slot, mobile phone holder, SatNav on board, Coca-Cola dispenser and choose one that can mow. I am having the same problem as it seems here in Germany , all are fully equipped with all the above (Coke replaced with Löwenbräu) and cost the same as a brand new Dacia/Renault SUV. Would be cheaper to hire a full time Rumanian gardener.

Well at least we all know what Angie is getting for the next 15 years Birthday and Christmas presents. Makes a change from the normal toaster.

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