
By Technophobe

Keep On The Sunny Side

A mixed day today. We set off to walk up a fell called Barf. At a certain point, the path went left or right. I preferred left because it looked less steep. For some reason we went right.
You know it's bad when you're climbing a seemingly vertical slope with your nose a foot from the ground. It was almost impossible on the slippery crumbly scree. Then we came to a bit which was impossible, well, inadvisable I should say. We back tracked and realised we should have gone left down near the start of the walk. ( Where I'd said) Oh well save Barf for another day.
This afternoon we went up to Moss falls to take some of those milky water waterfall shots. I took a tripod, but couldn't get it to open, couldn't get it to stop collapsing, couldn't fix the camera on to it, and couldn't find anywhere suitable to put it. So I threw it to the ground in a strop and turned round and took pictures of the sun going down on the opposite fell sides instead.

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