Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat


Another grey drizzly day. Met Hayley and Harriet the farm park. Not seen them in yonks as Hayley works the days I have off and vice versa. But as me and Fiona swapped days it was a great opportunity to meet up. We didnt stop too long as it was bloody freezing.

Eva been out of sorts all day. She had some kind of night terror last night and was screaming for 45 mins. Nothing would settle her. It was really distressing. Then she was up at 5.45 am so just hasn't known what to do with herself all day. So we just put the Gruffalo on this arvo.

Apart from a quick trip to check Lime, then swimming for Tobes after school that's about it. I did walk Nell down to school as well. Lots and lots of fuss for her!

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