Behind the Dike, Maas River, Rotterdam

These are office buildings, btw ... a recycled house, actually.

I took the time to shoot this before parking my car this morning. The late sunrise, combined with the morning cold, isn't really motivating. The weather was forecasted to be doubtful for the rest of the day so I thought I'd take some shots before work. Sure enough, I had no more time after work to catch what bit of sunlight was left. I did manage to take some sunset shots around the same spot where I took this but facing the water, but the buildings on the other side of the Maas, which aren't at all attractive, were just a bit too much in the way. Positive note -- it remained dry.

Counting down now ...

And in the meantime, I wish you all an ecstatic Friday and fab weekend!

It feels like it will be an early night. Something to float with ...

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