Busy... But lovely

Day started at 5am, not ideal but ho hum.
Managed to stay in bed with the trusty iPad till about 8:00 which made it all slightly less painful (we did snooze till around 6:30!)

Breakfasted / dressed / sorted and off to soft play we went. It's ten minutes down the road but Munchie fell asleep in the car. Luckily she woke up quickly and was fine. Wom had gone back to bed and had a good sleep so he was fine too.

Soft play was fun. Munchie and her two friends had fun just playing. Wom and I had fun going down the big slide together but utterly knackering getting him all the way to the top to do it. Had lunch there and then headed home. Munchie fell into my trap of falling properly asleep in the car so I carried her in and up to bed. Stupidly forgot to put a towel down on top of the sheets though. One soggy sheet when she woke up as well as soggy girl. Oh well, pj's on.

We did some painting this afternoon. Partly because Munchie loves doing it but also because nursery said Wom had screamed when he had done it on Wednesday so I wanted to see his reaction. He had such fun, chewing the brush, splatting the paint and rubbing his hands in it so who knows why he got upset at nursery. Saying that he cries hysterically each time they change his nappy and he never does this when we do it.?

Once children cleaned up from painting, put Frozen on and just played in the lounge. Munchie let me clip her nails and paint them all which was good as she hasn't let me near her toes since her poorly foot incident. Daddy was really late home which was sad as I had stupidly said to Munchie that he would be home to do bath, cue tears!

Thinking of dear friends of ours who have had sad news today. Hugs.

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