Desert Squirrel

By PolS

Rock rose

This is a large-flowered Cistus growing in a garden down the hill from us. It was miserable up here this morning when I got up (early), so I walked down to the estuary rather than up to the top of Mt Pleasant, which was in cloud.

It is interesting to see that a few more house sites are being readied for rebuilds. The fencing suppliers are doing very well out of all these earthquake repairs and rebuilds. There have also been a few more demolitions, so still lots of empty sites. Sales of both houses and empty sections are now proceeding slowly, though, so hopefully things are beginning to move on this side of the city.

PS Still haven't been to check out the starlings (see yesterday's blip), but I'm sure they have gone one way or another. There is no sound coming from the gutter any more. I've been busy all day, taking my mother out this morning, then a meeting with some prospective photo Honours candidates for NPSNZ this afternoon, and now its too windy outside.

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