I've been a very busy spider lass today, so I'm cheekily popping this on here and popping out again.

This morning I walked to North Greenwich along the river and intended to have a ride across the Thames on the cable car, take a few photos, then a little wander around over the other side. By the time I got there though, it was getting a bit late and there was quite a queue to travel on the cable cars. I needed to get back to go up town to the hairdressers this afternoon for a hair snip. I'll just have to go on there another time then! I can't believe I've never been on it! I keep forgetting that it is there.

Hair snipped and flicky up at the back...looking a bit 'swan like...very fanthy'! I'm going out now to meet my friend for a drink...the swan-like creation will soon turn into candy floss when I enter that damp evening air.

Must dash! Will catch up with your blips soon. Sorry.

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