The Little Lyle Files

By kevinwatters

Pizza To Go

We went out for a meal with the kids this evening as we would have been too late home to start cooking and get them to bed at a sensible time. The children chose from the kids menu and Becky threw a strop because she wanted to choose from the main menu, given that at 10 years, she is virtually a grown-up. We argued against it as she wanted a pizza that would have cost about three times as much and was almost identical except for the addition of basil.

As it turns out, we were vindicated because both kids couldn’t finish their pizza so we brought the leftovers home with us. Personally, I don’t find it appetising but, as this was back-blipped, I can confirm that Becky had cold pizza for breakfast the following morning and some reheated pizza for tea. Now that means, she practically qualifies as a student, doesn’t it?

Backblipped on 29th November 2014

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