Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Brave soul

After yesterday's deluge, today we woke up to snow, a light dusting on the ground and below freezing temperatures made much colder with the wind chill. But by late morning the sun was out and much of the sky was blue! We took a walk in a big lovely park by Lake Washington before Tatum's (indoor) soccer game there and the wind was so strong and cold - it was blowing dry snow everywhere. The lake was so rough, so when I saw this guy getting his outrigger kayak ready to go out, I thought he was crazy. But there he goes......into the whitecaps (which of course don't look as wild as they were)....
And then I came home and planted my tulip bulbs that somehow were still happily resting in the frig--in the nick of time maybe --the ground was frozen just on the top. But it's supposed to be even colder tonight.. Here's hoping come April that my favorite flower appears!
We were planning to go to the island in the morning --we'll see how the weather looks --if it's cold but clear we're going to go for it.....there's a bit of snow there too....

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