
By patricia2021

Emme is 2

Emme adds so much love and happiness to our lives! We arrived soon after Amy, BJ and the kids left for Maine. We went to Cabelas to have a photo with Santa...the lines went from one end of the store to the other. We walked the mall while Papa had a massage ( shoulder), had takeout from Potbellys and stopped at the library. We watched the sleeping 2 yr. old while her parents went to buy a tree. They were able to set it up and decorate it before she awoke. She loved her tent castle, bringing all her stuffed animals from her crib into it, and having snack there. She played with Papas Pocket Pond app and made her puzzle, then enjoyed her cake, no devoured her cake! Amy and family arrived safe at 9:00, 13 hours after leaving. A wonderful visit for us all! I am one happy mom/ Meme! Happy Birthday Emme! I love you!

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