
By tookie

Sunset Reflections on Frosty Pond

We returned this afternoon from a lovely time with our little Portland family. We shared Thanksgiving with them and some of my Dil's extended family down there. I will be soon posting the back blips of our time. We woke early and had some morning time with Z and the kids, then took the dogs to a nearby park for a run on our way back. The drive was not overly long today, but was riddled with being a truck bed insert lying in our lane that we narrowly avoided colliding perilously with and another being an weaving crazy driver who suddenly stopped two cars in front of us....a near ten car or more collision avoided thanks to powerful brakes!

After getting home we took the hooligans out for a longer romp at the Marymoor slough dog park. They both ran wildly and thoroughly enjoyed themselves and the freedom. They had behaved very well down at the kids, spending most of the time on their beds in the kitchen. It was while running them that I spotted this lovely frosty sunset reflections in a wee pond along the pathway.

Friday after Thanksgiving here

Thanksgiving Day here

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